1st Int’l Symposium on Advanced Materials and Design for Structural Safety and SustainabilityGAOCHUANG CAIOct 30, 20221 min readWe are working on our first international symposium focusing on structural safety and sustainability.We invite you to join us on Jan 2023!More information can be reached by the link,https://caiconcrete.wixsite.com/amds3
We are working on our first international symposium focusing on structural safety and sustainability.We invite you to join us on Jan 2023!More information can be reached by the link,https://caiconcrete.wixsite.com/amds3
Congratulation!Japan Concrete Society Branch Award! ! One of our graduate students won the Japan Concrete Society Branch Award for his research work on...
***Invitation** Welcome for submitting your research papers to our Special Issue in BUILDINGS!Special Issue "Innovative Structures and Materials: Analysis, Design and Application" Deadline: 2022-12-31 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/b...