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SCI Peer-reviewed journal papers (* 論文責任者)      更新日2021.12.1
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  1. J. Zhao, Y. Jiang, G. Cai*, X. Deng, A. Si Larbi. (2024). Flexural stiffness of RC beams with high-strength steel bars after exposure to elevated temperatures. Structural Concrete, fib. (Accepted)

  2. K Junaid*, M Zyed, A Nonna, G. Cai, A. Si Larbi. (2024). Tensile and cracking behaviour of crimped textile reinforced mortar (TRM) based on digital image correlation. Construction and Building Materials 417, 135321

  3. Y. Sun, G. Cai*. (2023). Seismic Behavior of Circular Concrete Columns Reinforced by Low Bond Ultrahigh Strength (LBUS) Rebars, ASCE, Journal of Struct. Eng., 10.1061/JSENDH/STENG-10296 

  4. F. Zhao, F. Xiong*, G. Cai*, et al. (2023). Seismic behavior and simplified hysteretic model of precast concrete wall panels with bolted connections under cyclic loading, Engineering Structures, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.116562

  5. G. Cai*, T. Fujinaga, et al. (2023). Cyclic behavior of RCFT columns with large D/t ratio steel tubes: Effect of reinforcement arrangement, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering,​ 

  6. Y Wang, G. Cai*. (2022) Seismic behaviour of square concrete columns confined by FRP-steel composite tube, J. Build. Eng., Accepted. 

  7. F. Zhao, F. Xiong*, G.Cai*, H. Yan et al. (2022) Performance and numerical modelling of full-scale demountable bolted PC wall panels subjected to cyclic loading, Journal of Building Engineering, Accepted

  8. Q. Su, G. Cai*, et al. (2022) Damage control of the masonry infills in RC frames under cyclic loads: A full-scale test study and numerical analyses, Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Accepted. (IF4.556)

  9. Y. Wang, Z. Meng, W. Zhu, B. Wan, B. Han, G. Cai, X. Yin, Y. Bai. (2021). Hygrothermal aging behavior and aging mechanism of carbon nanofibers/epoxy composites, Construction and Building Materials. (accepted)

  10. Z. Djamai, K. Nguyen, A. Si Larbi, F. Salvatore, G. Cai. (2021). PCM-modified textile-reinforced concrete slab: A multiscale and multiphysics investigation, Construction and Building Materials. (accepted)

  11. G.Cai*, K.D. Tsavdaridis*, A. Si Larbi, P. Purnell. (2021). A simplified design approach   for predicting the flexural behavior of TRM-strengthened RC beams under cyclic loads, Construction and Building Materials. 

  12. B. Sun, T. Noguchi, G. Cai*, W. Zhao. (2021). Effect of temperature and relative humidity on the development of the compressive strength of surface-layer cement mortar, Construction Building Materials,Volume 281, 26 April 2021, 122626. (Link)

  13. J. Wang, G. Cai*, A Si Larbi. (2021). Lateral behavior of rectangular concrete columns reinforced by partially debonded high-strength reinforcements based on a proposed equivalent stress block. Bullet Eathq. Eng.

  14. F. Xiong, F. Zhao, G. Cai* et al. Seismic Performance of Bolt-assembled Precast Panel Buildings with DfD: A quasi-static test and discussion on existing design codes, J. Earthq. Eng. DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2020.1820408

  15. Bochao Sun, Weijian Zhao*, G. Cai*, Takafumi Noguchi, Wei Wang, (2021). A novel strength prediction model of mortars with different types of cement and SCMs, J Structural Concrete, (Link)

  16. B. Sun, T. Noguchi*, G. Cai*, Q. Chen, Prediction of early compressive strength of mortars at different curing temperature and relative humidity by a modified maturity method,  Structural concrete J. fib., (Link)

  17. F. Xiong, P. Malla, G.C. Cai* et al. (2020) Numerical Analysis of Precast Concrete Shear Walls with Horizontal Bolted Joints Under Seismic Loads, J. Earthq. Eng. (Link

  18. P. Malla, F. Xiong, G.C. Cai* et al. (2021) Numerical study on the behaviour of vertical bolted joints for precast concrete wall-based low-rise buildings, Journal of Building Engineering, 33, 101529(IF:3.379, Q1) (Link)

  19. Yanlei Wang,  Guipeng Chen, Baolin Wan, G. Cai, Baoguo Han. Behavior and modeling of circular large rupture strain FRP-confined ice under axial compression,ASCE's Journal of Composites for Construction. (Link)

  20. Z. DJAMAI, A. SI LARBI, F. SALVATORE, G.C. Cai. (2020).A new PCM-TRC composite: A mechanical and physicochemical investigation. Cement Concrete Research.135, 106119, 10.1016/j.cemconres.2020.106119(Link)

  21.  Wang Y., Zhu W., Zhang X., Cai G., Wan B. (2020).Influence of Thickness on Water Absorption and Tensile Strength of BFRP Laminates in Water or Alkaline Solution and a Thickness-Dependent Accelerated Ageing Method for BFRP Laminates, Applied Sciences, MDPI, 10,10,3618 (Link)

  22. Y. Wang, G.C Cai*, et al. (2020) Monotonic axial behaviour and confining mechanism of square GFRP-steel tube confined concretes, Engineering Structures, 217,110802, (Link)

  23. GC. Cai*, T. Noguchi.(2020) Concrete with Shirasu aggregates for Sustainability: A Review on Research Progress and Application in Japan, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (Link)

  24. Z. I. Djamai*, K. Erroussafi, A. Si Larbi*, F. Salvatore, G.C. Cai. (2020) Analytical modelling of textile reinforced concrete (TRC) sandwich panels: considering nonlinear behaviours and failure modes, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures,DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2020.1750077 (Link)

  25. Wang, Y., Chen, G., Wan, B., Cai, G., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Behavior of circular ice-filled self-luminous FRP tubular stub columns under axial compression. Construction and Building Materials, 232, 117287. (Link)

  26. Zhang, H., Li, L., Sarker, P. K., Long, T., Shi, X., Wang, Q., & Cai, G. (2019). Investigating Various Factors Affecting the Long-Term Compressive Strength of Heat-Cured Fly Ash Geopolymer Concrete and the Use of Orthogonal Experimental Design Method. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 13(1), 1-18. (Link)

  27. ​​G.C. Cai*, D. Waldmann.  (2019). A material and component bank to facilitate material recycling and component reuse for a sustainable construction: concept and preliminary study, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy. (Online avaliable) (Link)

  28. G. Cai* (2019). Flexural capacity of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete columns under seismic loading – Database and a simplified model,Intl J. Civil. Eng. (Online avaliable) (Link)

  29. H. Zhang, L. Li, T. Long, P. K. Sarker, X. Shi, G. Cai, Q. Wang. (2019). The Effect of Ordinary Portland Cement Substitution on the Thermal Stability of Geopolymer Concrete, Materials, 12(16), 2501; (Link)

  30. G. Cai, F. Xiong* et al. (2019) A demountable connection for low-rise precast concrete structures with DfD for construction sustainability-A preliminary test under cyclic loads, Sustainability, 2019, 11(13),3696,10.3390/su11133696 (Link)  (IF:2.592, Q2)

  31. K. Boushehri, K.D. Tsavdaridis*, G.C. Cai. Seismic behaviour of RWS moment connections to deep columns with European sections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume 161, October 2019, Pages 416-435 (Link)(IF:2.650, Q1)

  32. Y. Wang, G.C Cai* et al. (2019) Behavior of Circular Fiber-Reinforced Polymer–Steel-Confined Concrete Columns Subjected to Reversed Cyclic Loads: Experimental Studies and Finite-Element Analysis, J. Struct. Eng.-ASCE., (Link)(IF: 2.021, Q1) 

  33. X. Zhang, Y. Wang*, B. Wan, G.C. Cai, Y. Qu. (2019) Effect of specimen thicknesses on water absorption and flexural strength of CFRP laminates subjected to water or alkaline solution immersion, Construction Building Materials, Vol.208, 314-325, (IF:3.169, Q1). (Link)

  34. Q.W. Su, G.C. Cai*, A. Si Larbi (2019). Seismic damage assessment indexes for masonry structures. J. Struct. Eng.-ASCE. Vol.145, 7,  (Link). (IF: 2.021, Q1) 

  35. Z. I. Djamai, F. Salvatore, A. Si Larbi*, G.C. Cai (2018). Multiphysical understanding study on the effects of encapsulated phase change materials (PCM) in cement mortars, Cement and Concrete Research (Link). (IF: 5.430, Q1)

  36. J. Wang, G.C. Cai*, Q. Wu (2018). Basic mechanical behaviours and deteriorated mechanism of reinforced concrete beams under chloride-sulphate ions environment, Construction and Building Materials. 160, 450-461 (IF:3.169, Q1). (Link)

  37. G.C. Cai, Q.W. Su*, K.D. Tsavdaridis, H. Degée (2018). Simplified density indexes of walls and tie-columns for confined masonry buildings in seismic zones, Journal of Earthquake Engineering. (IF: 1.382, Q1)  (Link

  38. Y. Wang*,Y. Wang, B. Wan, B. Han, G.C Cai*, Z. Li (2018). Properties and mechanisms of self-sensing carbon nanofibers/epoxy composites for structural health monitoring, Composite Structures, 200, 669-678 (IF: 3.858, Q1) (Link)

  39. Y. Wang*, Y. Wang, B. Wan, B. Han, G.C. Cai, R. Chang (2018). Strain and Damage Self-Sensing of BFRP Laminates Fabricated with CNFs/Epoxy Composites under Tension, Composites Part A.113,40-52. (IF: 4.514, Q1) (Link)

  40. Y. Wang, Y. Wang, B. Han, B. Wan*, G.C. Cai, R. Chang. (2018). In-situ strain and damage monitoring of glass fiber reinforced polymer laminates incorporating carbon nanofibers under tension, Polymers,10(7), 777. (IF: 3.364, Q1) (Link).

  41. Y. Wang, Y. Wang, B. Han, B. Wan*, G.C. Cai, Z. Li (2018). Strain Monitoring of Concrete Components Using Embedded Carbon Nanofibers/Epoxy Sensors, Construction Building materials. 186, 20,367-378 (IF:3.169, Q1). (Link)

  42. Y. Wang, X. Zhang*, G.C Cai et al. (2018). A new thickness-based accelerated aging test methodology for resin materials: theory and preliminary experimental study, Construction building materials. 186, 20,986-995. (IF:3.169, Q1). (Link)

  43. Q.W. Su, G.C. Cai*, H. Degée (2017). Application of variance analyses comparison in seismic damage assessment of masonry buildings, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, ID 3741941,15 pages. (IF: 0.802, Q2) (Link)

  44. J. Zhao, G.C. Cai*, L. Cui, A. Si Larbi, K.D. Tsavdaridis (2017). Deterioration of basic properties of the materials in FRP strengthening RC structures under ultraviolet exposure, Polymers, 9(9), 402. (IF: 3.364, Q1) (Link)

  45. G.C. Cai, Q.W. Su* (2017). Effect of infills on seismic performance of reinforced concrete frame structures-A full-scale experimental study, Journal of Earthquake Engineering.1-29. (IF: 1.382, Q1)  (Link)

  46. J. Zhao, G.C. Cai*, A. Si Larbi, Y. Zhang, H.H. Dun, H. Degée, B. Vandoren (2017). Hysteretic behavior of steel fiber RC coupled shear walls under cyclic loads: experimental study and modelling. Engineering Structures.156, 92-104 (IF: 2.258, Q1)  (Link)

  47. J. Zhao, G.C. Cai*, J. Yang (2016). Bond-slip behaviour and embedment length of reinforcement in high volume fly ash concrete. Materials and Structures, 49(6):2065-2082. (IF:2.607, Q1) (Link)

  48. G.C. Cai*, T. Noguchi, H. Degée, J. Zhao, R. Kitagaki (2016). Volcano-related materials as in concretes: A comprehensive review, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,23(8):7220-7243. (IF: 2.741, Q1) (Link)

  49. G.C. Cai, J. Zhao* (2016). Application of Sulphoaluminate cement to repair deteriorated concrete members in chloride rich environment-A basic experimental investigations of durability. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 20 (7) 2832-41. (IF:0.812, Q3)  (Link)

  50. J. Zhao, G.C. Cai*, H. Degée, B. Huang, Z.T. Luo (2016). Hydration, setting and crack-resistance properties of activated HVFACs at early stages, Applied Sciences, 6(8):224. (IF: 1.679, Q3) (Link)

  51. G.C. Cai*, H. Degée (2016). Ultimate strengths of FRC rectangular columns subjected to simulated seismic loading: Experimental database and new models, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 17 (1), 96-120. (IF:2.216, Q1) (Link)

  52. G.C. Cai, J. Zhao*, H. Degée, B. Vandoren (2016). Shear capacity of steel fibre reinforced concrete coupling beams using conventional reinforcements, Engineering Structures, 128, 428–440. (IF: 2.258, Q1) (Link)

  53. Q.W. Su, G.C. Cai*, H.R. Cai (2016). Seismic behaviour of full-scale hollow bricks-infilled RC frames under cyclic loads. Bulletin of Earthquake Eng., 5 (7)2981–3012. (IF: 1.899, Q1) (Link)

  54. G.C. Cai, Y.P. Sun*, T. Takeuchi et al. (2015). Proposal of complete seismic shear strength model for circular concrete columns, Engineering Structures, 100, 399-409. (IF: 2.258, Q1) (Link)

  55. J. Zhao, G.C. Cai*, D.Y. Gao (2014). Influences of freeze-thaw cycle and curing time on chloride ion penetration resistance of Sulphoaluminate cement concrete. Construction and Building Materials, 53, 305-311. (IF:3.169, Q1) (Link)

Other Peer-reviewed journal papers (* as corresponding author)

  1. ​Y.P. Sun*, G.C. Cai, T. Takeuchi (2013). Seismic behaviour and performance-based design of resilient concrete columns, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 438-439, 1453-1460. (EI Compendex)

  2. J. Zhao*, G.C. Cai, D.Y. Gao (2011). Study on bonding characteristic of mixed-type chloride ions in Sulphoaluminate cement, Key Engineering Materials, 467-469, 698-702. (EI Compendex) 

Peer-reviewed conference papers

  1. G.C. Cai*, A. Si Larbi, A. Ono, K. Ishibashi. An improved TRC: a preliminary study of tensile properties, 13TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FERROCEMENT AND THIN FIBER REINFORCED INORGANIC MATRICES, LYON, FRANCE, JUNE 21-23, 2021

  2. G.C. Cai, K. D. Tsavdaridis*, P. Purnell, M. Yoshizawa (2019). Deformation and strengthening effectiveness of high-performance TRM for RC beams under cyclic loading: sectional analysis and deformation capacity, 3rd ACF Symposium on “Assessment and Intervention of Existing Structures”, Sapporo, Japan (in press)

  3. F. Xiong, F. Zhao, G. Cai*, A. Si Larbi (2019). Quasi-static seismic performance of a large-scale two-story bolted RC building, 3rd ACF Symposium on “Assessment and Intervention of Existing Structures”, Sapporo, Japan (in press)

  4. G.C. Cai* (2019). Seismic behaviours of diagonally-reinforced concrete coupling beams: Part 1 Proceedings of Architecture Institute Japan, September, Kanazawa, Japan. (Under review)

  5. G.C. Cai, K. D. Tsavdaridis*, M. Yoshizawa (2019). Flexural behaviours of high performance TRM-retrofitted RC beams under cyclic loading, Proc. Japan concrete institute, Spporo, 2019.07

  6. S. Grigor*, G.C. Cai, T. Takeuchi, Y. Sun (2017). Seismic behaviour and assessment of drift hardening concrete columns, Proc. 16th World conference on Earthquake Engineering, No.664,10 pages, 09-13 January, Santiago, Chile. 

  7. G.C. Cai*, H. Degée (2016). Stiffness and deformation development of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete columns under seismic loads, 4th International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Civil Engineering, 19-20 November, Sanya, China. 

  8. Y.P. Sun*, Y. Ohta, G.C. Cai, T. Takeuchi (2012). Study of seismic performance on circular rc columns with ultra-high strength rebars, Part 1&2, Proceedings of Architecture Institute Japan, C-2, 397-400, 12-14 September, Nagoya, Japan. [In Japanese]

  9. G.C. Cai*, Y.P. Sun, T. Takeuchi, T. Fujinaga (2013). Study of seismic performance on circular rc columns with ultra-high strength bars, Part 3, Proc. Architecture Institute Japan, C-2, 533-534, 30 August- 1 September, Sapporo, Japan. [In Japanese]

Book/book's chapters

Two books are coming;

Papers under review

  1. Y Wang,G. Chen, G. Cai*. (2021) Cyclic Axial Compressive Behavior of Circular FRP-Steel Tubed Reinforced Concrete Columns: Experimental Study and Theoretical Modeling,Eng. Struct.

  2. Y Wang, G. Cai*. (2021) Seismic behaviour of square concrete columns confined by FRP-steel composite tube, Eng. Struct. 

  3. G.Cai*. (2021). Tensile response of an improved textile reinforced mortar thin layer, Composite structures.

  4. G.Cai*. (2021). Cyclic structural behavior of CFT columns reinforced with LBHSRs, J. Steel Construct. Res.

  5. G.Cai*. (2021). Deformation of RC with LBHSRs-A discussion on Ds factor, ASCE-J. Struct. Eng.

  6. Y. Sun, G. Cai*. Lateral capacity and deformation ability of RCCCs under large cyclic loads, ASCE-J. Struct. Eng.

  7. Y. Sun, G. Cai*. Seismic behavior of circular concrete columns reinforced by low bond high strength reinforcements (LBHSRs), ASCE-J. Struct. Eng.

  8. Z. Djamai, K. L. Nguyen, A. Si Larbi, F. Salavtore, G.C. Cai. PCM-modified textile-reinforced concrete slab: A multiscale and multiphysics investigation​​, Construction Building Materials

Papers under preparation (Main)

  1. G.C. Cai, A reinforced TRM, (50%)

  2. G.C. Cai, Post-earthquake hazard of structures, (50%)

  3. G.C. Cai, Cyclic behavior of RC beam-column joints reinforcing bars with detail treatments (50%)

  4. G.C. Cai, A smart formwork and curing system for management of high-quality concrete construction (50%)

  5. G.C Cai, K. D. Tsavdaridis*. A FEM analysis on the flexural behavior of TRM-strengthened RC beams under cyclic loads.  (85%C)

  6. Q. Su, G. Cai* et al. (2019) Damage controlling of infilled RC frames under seismic loads: An experimental study, (90%C).

  7. G.C Cai*. Shear design model of fiber reinforced concrete columns. (80% completed)

  8. others

Other outcomes

  1. G.C. Cai (2013). Direct shear design of confined high strength RC columns. Report for Takenaka Ikueikai Funding, 28pages [In Japanese]



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